Development in Sweden
In the first half of 2021, we experienced a 50% sales increase compared to 2020. The 2021 forecast shows a strengthened result of 310 million SEK. We have 42 employees in Sweden, and our journey continues with the new Swedish departments.
Earlier this year we opened an office in Sundsvall, with three employees. The main focus for Sundsvall is Domestic solutions, but we also handle other freight services. Our Gothenburg office also moved to new premises this summer.
Earlier this year the furniture chain Mio signed with us on freight solutions from the Baltics to Sweden and directly to all their stores. Together with one of our other large customers; Jula, this shows that we have good solutions for the retail industry.
We want to be a natural choice when looking for flexible and customized distribution, offering high quality and experience in the Nordic market. Additional services are import and export by sea, air, rail and road.
Focus on Intra-Nordic solutions
Mats Lindahl will manage the new office in Jönköping. He most recently held a position as Product Manager at Agility. The rest of the team in Jönköping consists of Greger Szepesvari, David Bergström and Marie Lagerström, all three of whom have long experience within logistics, and who effectively built the Intra-Nordic traffic at Agility. For many years now, they have worked closely with us in Norway and their domestic distribution department.
The team in Jönköping holds a long and solid experience in Nordic distribution, it is exciting that all three have chosen to become a part of us in ColliCare.
The team in Jönköping are looking forward to becoming a part of the ColliCare Logistics Group. It allows us to use our extensive network, which enables us to offer even more efficient and customized distribution within the Nordic market. - Mats Lindahl, Product Manager at ColliCare Logistics AB.

We have known Mats and his team for several years, through the distribution collaboration with Agility, and our Norwegian company. So it's very inspiring and exciting that we've brought all three over to us. It makes us feel extremely confident and focused on a new business area. I am looking forward to getting started with our office and service this autumn. - Micke Kristiansson, General Manager of ColliCare Logistics AB